Frequently Asked Questions

How to play The Password Game?

The game challenges you to create a password based on a set of selected rules. You start typing in the input box, and the rules will be displayed one by one. Your password must satisfy all the rules to win the game.

What does the timer indicate?

The timer begins when you start typing your password. It indicates the total time you have taken to complete the game.

How is a rule considered successful?

A rule is considered successful once your password satisfies the criteria mentioned in the rule. A tick ✔️ is shown next to a rule once it's successfully met by your password.

How are the rules selected?

The game selects 20 rules randomly for each game. The selection is seeded, which means for the same game ID, you will get the same set of rules.

What is the 'seed' in this game?

The 'seed' is used to initialize the pseudorandom number generator in the game. It helps to reproduce the same sequence of rules for a specific game ID.

What happens when all the rules are satisfied?

Once all rules are satisfied, the game ends and your total time to complete the game will be displayed.

How often does the game update?

A new game puzzle is available every day with a new set of rules and conditions.